PHP 503 error >> Domain using word press
Error log
2015-06-14 03:53:20.879 [INFO] [] connection to [/tmp/lshttpd/APVH_wathlete_Suphp.sock.833] on request #0, confirmed, 1, associated process: 987667, running: 1, error: Connection reset by peer!
2015-06-14 03:53:20.879 [NOTICE] [] Max retries has been reached, 503!
2015-06-14 03:53:20.879 [NOTICE] [] oops! 503 Service Unavailable
2015-06-14 03:53:20.879 [NOTICE] [] Content len: 0, Request line: 'GET / HTTP/1.1'
2015-06-14 03:53:20.879 [INFO] [] abort request..., code: 4
2015-06-14 03:53:20.879 [INFO] [] File not found [/home/wathlete/public_html/503.shtml]
Check the Plugin folder and rename the plugin